Welcome to my web site where I write stuff I care about such as software, coffee, home brewery, cycling.

About System76 Lemur Pro
I was using mostly Mac computers from companies I worked for for a long time. Frankly, I can’t even remember the last time I had my own computer, when and for how much I sold it. There was a time when we built our own desktop computers and computer prices were reasonable. Macs were still expensive, but computer prices were never out of reach . I’m seriously worried about the prices we have nowadays....
Hello World!
Hello World! 🙂 As with the common tradition of programming languages, I wanted to start by writing “Hello World!” as I started my new journey with this site. Despite how much I liked the UX of it, I can’t help myself but to hate Medium’s current approach of hiding everything behind a paywall and annoy me with popups etc. Also I hated 2 things since the beginning: Placing all my comments around Medium as new stories I’ve shared – most of my comments aren’t really as constructive as I’d think of a “story”...